The Stones Part 3 - Element Of Earth

Element Of Earth

The element of Earth is about nurturing, abundance, welcoming, and home. It is the element that is about belonging. It is about inclusion and welcoming everyone and finding a place for everyone to shine!


Nurturing in this context is about self-care and caring for others. It is about finding a place where people are comfortable and happy with who they are, and what they are doing. Earth provides everything so our needs and desires are fulfilled and one feels cared for. This is Nurturing.


This is about realizing that the “Great Mother” Earth has an unlimited supply of everything so you do not have to live in scarcity. Abundance can be money, friends, family, good health, happiness, or anything you can think of!

Welcoming Key To The Element Of Earth

This is a wonderful feeling to be welcomed. To be acknowledged as one who is wanted and desired. In our workshops, we go one by one and welcome everyone by name. It is deeply touching to see the smiles on people’s faces as they are welcomed.


Everyone wants to have a home. A place where they can cut loose and be free to be themselves. Earth provides this and honors everyone’s uniqueness.

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Published On: September 19, 2022

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